1 Welcome

Workshop material will be added here as we go along. For each day of the workshop, the basic material will be uploaded and more details will be added based on your questions and problems we encounter. So please ask as many questions are you can to help us in making this workshop better!!

1.1 Workshop Schedule

*Subject to change, depending how things go.

Day 1

Time Topic
09:00 Welcome, Housekeeping, and Introductions
09:30 Presentation
09:45 1. Introducing R and RStudio
10:10 2. Installing R packages
10:30 Break
10:45 3. R Basics
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 4. Starting with Data
14:30 Break
14:45 5. Manipulating data in the Tidyverse
16:00 Finish

Day 2

Time Topic
09:00 5. Tidyverse - cont
10:30 Break
10:45 6. Data visualization with ggplot2
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 7. Project - task 1
13:15 8. Project - task 2
14:30 Break
14:45 9. Project - task 3
15:15 10. Project - task 4
15:30 Review project and open discussion
15:55 Survey!
16:00 Finish